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Light trim, bisque firing, clear glaze and gloss firing service for small or medium pot.


This is a firing service for potters who require a single item (20x20x20cm or less) to be bisque fired to 1000 degrees Celsius, glazed with clear glaze and gloss fired to 1260 degrees Celsius. The pot will then have a glossy surface and be waterproof.

You might use this service if you have done a pottery class and would like your work to be fired.

When your piece is leather-hard, wrap it in plastic so that it does not completely dry out.

When you purchase this product, you must supply an address, email and phone number, and you must message me to say what day you would like to drop off your pot in Evesham, Worcestershire. I will then email with the drop off instructions.

I will lightly trim your pottery, dry it out thoroughly then put it through the glazing and firing process.

I will inform you when your piece is ready to collect.

Unclaimed pieces will be retained for 4 months before disposal.

Please remember that problems can occur when pots are fired: warping, cracking, pin-holing, glaze crawling or even catastrophic breakage. You must only use this service if you accept that this is part of the jeapody of ceramics and understand that refunds will not be given.